
Friends work with local companies









Over the last few months the Friends have been ably assisted with park maintenance by the staff from two major companies.First off the mark were HSBC with four of their staff spending the day with us hedge laying near Grange Farm Pool. The day was warm and sunny for March and about 15 metres of hedge were laid. This offers wildlife somewhere to nest and feed and has the added bonus of looking good as well. There are still about 1,000 metres of hedge laying still to do when the season starts again in October.

Secondly, over a period of three weeks, fourteen staff from Interserve Healthcare came along and did some wonderful work with us clearing a lot of scrub and unnecessary saplings which is all helping to maintain the open heathland around the Queen’s Jubilee monument and the Twin Tracks area.

This co-operation with local companies offering theirstaff for community service is fantastic and is making a big difference to the amount of work undertaken by the Friends volunteers. If you have never ventured that far into the park, please do so, you will be amply rewarded with wonderful views, fresh air and wildlife.